325 Deansgate Tops Out
8 January 2025
Our project at 325 Deansgate in Manchester has officially reached the important milestone of ‘topping out’. The last floor deck at level 22 was poured as 2024 came to a close, signifying the completion of the primary structural frame.

18 storeys of the 22-storey tower overhang the Grade II listed Deansgate Castlefield viaduct, carrying TfGM Metrolink, which remains operational at all times during construction.
We designed a series of efficient 18-storey Vierendeel frames to act as a permanent structure supporting the cantilever. In order to make sure the Vierendeel frames are fully engaged, the frame was built off a temporary one-storey deep steel truss with a series of jacks propping the permanent frame.
Now, the full height frame has been built and the jacks slowly released, allowing the structure to take its final permanent form.
Read more on the project here.